Jul 2, 2019
The second installment of "An Extraordinary Evening: For Podcasters of Color" took place on June 27th. Once again, Jay organized a night of food, fun, and fellowship at YouTube Space LA in Los Angeles to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of people of color within the podcasting medium.
This episode is a...
Dec 18, 2018
On 12/13, Jay organized a massive event in Los Angeles celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of people of color within the podcasting medium. It was a night of food, fun, and fellowship as podcasters of color throughout Los Angeles and beyond came together to lay the groundwork for the much needed wholesale...
Jun 5, 2018
Intro By Amanda Seales & Brian Alexander Morgan
Music By Jonny May, JP Soundz, & Marcel
Summer is imminent and with it comes timely vacations, impromptu pool parties, and the triumphant return of sundresses. But lost in all the fun in the sun are the countless non-profit organizations sprinkled throughout the country...
May 8, 2018
Intro by Naarai Michele
Outro by Langston Hughes
Get your kleenex ready. For our annual Mother's Day Blackstravaganza, our mothers (!!!!!!!) join us to discuss the many challenges they faced, the sacrifices they made, and even delve into some of their regrets and missteps in raising each of us. Additionally, we learn...
May 2, 2018
Intro by DJ Suede The Remix God
Music By Marcelmakesmusic, Beatkowski, and Vincent Alexander.
Don't know anything about cryptocurrency? Guess what? We don't either. So we invited Lamar Wilson, the mastermind behind blockchain company Hijro and the instructor of the Black Business School’s popular “Welcome to...